Programmes Update
ABE is launching an updated portfolio this year, shifting from Qualifications Credit Framework to Regulated Qualifications Framework. Among other changes, assignment-based evaluation for some modules will be one of the features of the re-structuring.
About your qualification
ABE is regulated by Ofqual which assesses qualifications by difficulty Level. Qualifications at the same level are broadly similar in the knowledge and depth of understanding required to pass them, but the size and the content of qualifications at the same level can vary. The diagram below shows how the Levels progress.
ABE’s framework of business management qualifications runs from Level 3, right through to Level 6. You can enter at Level 3 and progress all the way to Level 6, enabling you to accumulate the credits needed for a university top-up, or you can enter onto the framework at any point if you have achieved the previous Level elsewhere – see our Entry Guidance for more details.
ABE’s qualifications have been designed with progression in mind and after completing one of our qualifications, learners can progress to employment or to a higher level of study. ABE offers you a full framework of qualifications and have been designed for learners to be able to progress right from Level 3 all the way up to Level 6. Each qualification builds from the one before, taking you from introductory units through to strategic ones. The ABE Level 4 Foundation Diploma is a shorter qualification designed with progression to the workplace in mind – however, learners can also progress to a higher level of study. The ABE Level 4 Diplomas are worth 120 credits each, making them ideal for progression to Higher Education (e.g. a university degree) or onto ABE’s Level 5 Diploma. You can also take advantage of one of our university partnerships (see website for more details).