Production and Operations Management
{MQA Approved and HRDC Refundable}
Total Duration : 18
Course Content
- The nature of operating systems and operations Management. Types of production systems.
- Plant location, the layout of facilities.
- Materials Handling
- Work Study- Method Study and Work Measurement
- Capacity Management
- Operations Scheduling: Activity scheduling, Network Scheduling, Scheduling for Batch Processing, Design & Scheduling of Flow Processing Systems
- Inventory Management & Control. Just-in-time Manufacturing
- Materials Administration, Purchasing and Distribution
- Maintenance and Replacement
- Quality Assurance and Statistical Quality Control
- Total Quality Management
- Quality Management Systems-ISO9001:2015
- Benchmarking
- Lean Manufacturing
- Human Factor in Production
Course can be customised as per clients’ specific needs.
TRAINER: Dr B Abacousnac (BSc, B Tech, MBA, Quality Systems Auditor-ISO 9001:2015)
Dr Abacousnac has worked for several years in the Production and Operations departments of Esquel (Mtius) Ltd and Mauritius Chemical Fertilizer Industries.
Lecturing Experience: He is a Senior Lecturer( part- time) at Open University, UTM, University of Mauritius and tutors MBA students in Operations Management.
Course Enquiry