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Internal Auditing Techniques for QMS Course

Internal Auditing Techniques for Quality Management Systems

(MQA Approved and HRDC Refundable)

Duration :  12 hours


Course Outline


  1. Quality Systems Auditing.
  2. Discussion of Human aspects in auditing- Desirable qualities of Auditors and How to deal with difficult auditees.
  3. Types of Audits.
  4. Planning an audit. Preparation of an audit schedule and choice of auditors.
  5. Preparation of audit checklists.
  6. Conducting an audit- Opening meeting, asking questions, reporting results.
  7. Reporting of audit findings: preparation of audit report. Presentation of findings.
  8. Practical exercises and group work.
Our esteemed client:

Metropolis Bramser Laboratory Services (MTIUS) Ltd
c/o Apollo Bramwell Hospital

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